Terms and conditions




It is important you provide us the correct information at the time of booking. You will be required at the time of booking to make Full payment in order to secure a course / session date. Payments can made by credit / debit card, direct deposit via invoicing options.

Cash Payments are possible up to 48 hours prior to the course commencement BUT will not be accepted on the day. It is your responsibility to arrange the payment exchange at our convenience.


Training & Adventure Co’s Cancellation & Refund Policy is in accordance with Part 3 of the Fair Trading Act 1989. If for any reason a client is unable to finish a course that has been paid for, refunds can be discussed on a case by case basis.

A client may transfer from one course date to a later date (within three (3) months of the original course) without penalty, if notification is received by Training & Adventure Co at least one working day prior to the original course being conducted.

A client who cancels with a minimum of 24hrs notice due to illness where a medical certificate has been obtained (and provided to Training and Adventure Co. Management) may choose to reschedule within the following 3 months or receive a refund for the course.

A client who cancels within one working day or is unable to attend on the day will forfeit the course and payment for the course in question and should engage with Training and Adventure Co. management at their earliest opportunity to discuss rebooking and payment.

A refund will be issued to a client where a request to cancel their attendance is received with a minimum of 72 hours’ notice.

All refunds will be processed in the same manner as the original payment. Payments made by EFT/Visa/Mastercard will be refunded within 5 to 10 working days of refund request. Please Note: The first $50.00 of any course fee is for administration costs and is non-refundable.

All refund requests must be in writing to info@trainingadv.com.au


Any client found by the owners, management, employees or contractors of Training & Adventure Co to be acting in a way, which may endanger the safety of themselves, other learners, members of the public or property, may be expelled from the course with no refund.


Training start times vary across Training and Adventure Co. activities. Clients will not be able to commence the activity if they arrive more than 30 mins after the commencement of the activity and will forfeit the course.


All Clients must be medically fit for the course that they book onto. Clients are encouraged to discuss any concerns with Training & Adventure Co staff at the time of booking.

All Clients must be Drug and Alcohol free at the commencement of any Training and Adventure Company Activity.


Clients undertaking activities with Training and Adventure Company must meet the Clothing and PPE requirements stipulated in the Joining Instruction for the activity. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the Client forfeiting the activity.


Clients undertaking QRIDE Courses must be covered with no skin exposed in accordance with QRIDE Program Requirement issued by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR). Any client who does not meet this requirement will not be allowed to commence any QRIDE Course.


A client must hold the applicable licence for the course they have enrolled in. Clients are encouraged to raise any concerns with Training and Adventure Co. Staff.

Clients using their own motorcycle must ensure the machine has current registration and is in a suitable roadworthy condition as per current State legislation. Client’s whose machine is not registered or roadworthy will be unable to commence the activity and may forfeit the activity fee in full. Training staff have the authority to check and make any decisions regarding the eligibility of the course being commenced on the motorcycle in question.


All clients are to behave respectfully at all times towards all people on the course and your trainer. If you fail to do so you acknowledge that you may be removed from the course and will have to re-book and re-pay the full course fee to complete the course.

In the event that an Approved Rider Trainer deems your behaviour threatening, intimidating, or inappropriate you may be removed from the activity or testing and you will not be invited to rebook with Training and Adventure Company.

In the event that you commit any illegal act while on the premises or while undergoing training, competency assessment or activity, you may be asked to leave the activity or rebook the relevant training or assessment.


All Clients accept that motorcycling is a dangerous activity and that while undergoing this training or testing or participating in our activities, it is possible that your motorcycle may be damaged and /or you may be injured or killed.

All Clients warrant that Training & Adventure Co is not liable for any injury or damage to your motorcycle during the course of training or testing where it has acted in accordance with the requirements of the training and testing curriculums and guidelines or made a reasonable and legal request of you.

All Clients accept that Training & Adventure Co is not liable for any injury or damage caused by you or another rider’s acts or by an environmental factor, or a mechanical factor where you are using your own motorcycle.


All Clients acknowledge that from time to time Training and Adventure Co. may take photographs of your activity. Through participation Clients agree that Training & Adventure Co may use these photos/videos for promotional and marketing unless otherwise agreed with Training and Adventure Company Management.


All Clients agree that they are liable for any damages caused by you to training equipment on the day and that you will be required to pay for any damages to Training & Adventure Co equipment. This will be invoiced and sent out the day after training.

All Clients agree that Training & Adventure Co is not liable for any injury or damage caused by you or another rider.


The training and delivery of the Q-Ride Competency Based Training Program as delivered by Training & Adventure Co is subject to various terms and conditions and all applicants must meet the entry level criteria as set out by TMR. Any rider, who does not meet the Eligibility of Learners for Q-Ride Training, will not be allocated a position in the program until such time as they meet these entry requirements. In order to deliver the Q-Ride Competency Based Training Program, Training & Adventure Co has made every effort to ensure that the program is available to as many applicants as possible. Any learner who may require special assistance due to specific reasons such as language, literacy, numeracy or physical disability must inform Training & Adventure Co upon applying for a position in the Training & Adventure Co Training Programs. Training & Adventure Co will make every reasonable effort to assist any learners with special needs; the Accredited Rider Trainer’s (ART) also ask all students at the beginning of training if there is anyone present who may require assistance of any kind whilst participating in the course. If Training & Adventure Co is unable to assist, then the Q-Ride client will be given the opportunity to obtain and bring the necessary assistance. Training & Adventure Co is an equal opportunity training organisation. No discrimination or leniency will be given to any person no matter what race, gender, religion or sexual preference.


Our management and staff respect the right of members of the community to complain about the standard of services or product that we provide. We take complaints seriously; they give us important information about how we can better our service. We will seek to resolve complaints in an efficient and fair manner. If any client feels that, for whatever reason, they have either not received the product for which they paid, or have a grievance about how the training was, or is, conducted by Training & Adventure Co, they must make, within five (5) working days, a written submission outlining their concerns or grievances. If the client has not attended the course allocated to them or they are waiting to attend their allocated course and have a grievance or issue concerning Training & Adventure Co, they must also, in writing, state their grievance, addressing all concerns. This written concern or grievance must state the person’s name, address, telephone number, and the course details in which the person attended, and the concern or grievance with Training & Adventure Co. Upon receiving such concern or grievance the Administration must address this complaint within two (2) working weeks from receiving the written complaint. If for any reason after investigating the complaint the Management Team finds that Training & Adventure Co has not been at fault, a letter or e-mail must then be sent to the person whom lodged the complaint and a solution worked out between the two parties. If for any reason the dispute cannot be rectified by the two parties involved, Training & Adventure co shall take the necessary action to have a mutually agreed third party take control of the situation through the process of mediation.

If a client wish to make a complaint about any of our services, please refer to the below process:

All concerns and grievances to be addressed as follows:



This Privacy Policy ensures you are aware of how Training & Adventure Co securely manages your personal information we collect. Training & Adventure Co is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 and Privacy Amendments (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. Privacy Policy Training & Adventure Co warrants that all personal information submitted will remain the confidential property of the owners and will not be intentionally sold or given to any third party, other than companies who manage the Training & Adventure Co booking and payment portals. This policy covers how we manage and store personal information along with the process required to lodge a complaint. Collection of your personal information There are many aspects of the site which can be viewed without providing personal information. However, for access to customer support features, to make an online booking and to attend a course, you are required to submit personally identifiable information.

Training & Adventure Co will not collect personal information unless the information is reasonably necessary for a service. All personal information received by Training & Adventure Co is used in the delivery of business services in accordance with our policies and procedures. If you are unwilling or unable to provide us with the requested information, you may not be eligible for these services. Personal information may be securely retained, for a minimum of 10 years for reference purposes and properly destroyed thereafter. If you wish to access, suspect, or discover that an information we hold is incorrect, you can contact us, and we will correct the error. Training & Adventure Co will ask for your personal information, including your email address and phone number. Your email address and phone number will only be used for the purposes stated and will not be disclosed beyond Training & Adventure Co and the relevant bodies described in this policy, without your express permission. Training & Adventure Co may contact you via your email or phone for administration and sales purposes only. Sharing of your personal information Training & Adventure Co is required to occasionally disclose personal information to: Department of Transport and Main Roads Companies providing services on our behalf These parties will be permitted to obtain only the personal information they need to deliver the service. Training & Adventure Co takes reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information. Use of your personal information for each visitor to reach the site, we expressively collect the following non-personally identifiable information, including but not limited to browser type, version and language, operating system, pages viewed while browsing the site, page access times and referring website address. This collected information is used solely internally for the purpose of gauging visitor traffic, trends and delivering personalized content to you while you are at this site. From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will use for these new purposes only, data collected from the time of the policy change forward will adhere to our updated practices. We may use personal information to manage and contact you about your account and bookings as well as updating our customer and marketing databases. If you do not wish to receive marketing information from us, you have the option of ‘opting out’ and you can do so at any time. Clear instructions on how to opt out will be detailed specifically (for instance, at the bottom of our e-newsletter you have the option to unsubscribe). Alternatively, you can let us know in writing at info@trainingadv.com.au if you wish to opt-out. Accessing your personal information, You have a right to access your personal information, subject to exceptions allowed by law. If you would like to do so, please let us know. You may be required to put your request in writing for security reasons. Training & Adventure Co reserves the right to charge a fee for searching for, and providing access to, your information on a per request basis. Credit card payments When making an online booking, you will be redirected to Training & Adventure Co online booking system. This system establishes a payment gateway which means that your credit card details are never exposed. This protects your confidential information. The system will hold your credit card details on your personal booking for Training & Adventure Co to process the payment. Once a payment is processed and your booking date has passed, your credit card information drops off the system, meaning it is no longer stored on your booking/account.


Training & Adventure Co reserves the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time. If you have objections to the Privacy Policy, you should not access or use the site.


Training & Adventure Co welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Monday to Friday.


Ph: 1300 349 216